Supported Fire Stick's/TV's/Cube's

We are supported on any Fire Stick/TV/Cube/built in Fire devices running FireOS 6.0+ 

We recommend that all software on your device is updated to the most recent version. You can verify your Fire TV device is properly set up, and all of your Fire TV accessories are functioning as intended by visiting Amazon's support page.

Install Great American Pure Flix on a Fire Stick/TV/Cube

To find Great American Pure Flix on a classic Amazon Fire device:

  • Click the “Home” button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • At the top scroll to the left to the magnifying glass “Search
  • Type “pureflix
  • Click on the word “pureflix
  • Scroll down to “Apps & Games
  • Select the “Great American Pure Flix” app
  • Click the Cloud Icon “Download

-OR- (newer generation Fire Devices)

  • Click the "Home" button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • Scroll to and select "Find" on the left
  • Scroll down and select "Search"
  • Type "pureflix"
  • Locate PureFlix under "Apps & Subscriptions"
  • Select the "Great American Pure Flix" app
  • Click the cloud icon "Download"
Troubleshoot Great American Pure Flix on a Fire Stick/TV/Cube

Step 1: Verify Operating System

  • Press the “Home” button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • At the top scroll to the right to "Settings" (Looks like a head and shoulders icon)
  • Scroll down to put yourself on the settings screen
  • Select "My Fire TV"
  • Select "About"
  • Scroll down to "Check for Updates" - if an update is available, please update
  • Verify the FireOS version is current and running 6.0+

Step 2: Clear App Cache

  • Press the “Home” button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • At the top scroll to the right to "Settings" (Looks like a gear icon)
  • Scroll down to put yourself on the settings screen
  • Select "Applications"
  • Select "Manage Installed Applications"
  • Scroll down and select "Pure Flix"
  • Select "Force Stop" (to verify the app is not running)
  • Select "Clear Data"
  • Select "Ok " or "Cancel" again on the next screen
  • Select "Clear Cache"

Step 3: Uninstall the App

  • Press the “Home” button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • At the top scroll to the right to "Settings" (Looks like a gear icon)
  • Scroll down to put yourself on the settings screen
  • Select "Applications"
  • Select "Manage Installed Applications"
  • Scroll down and select "Pure Flix"
  • Select "Uninstall"
  • Select "Confirm" or "Cancel" again on the next screen

Step 4: Unplug the Device

  • Completely power off the Fire device (press the button with the singular dot)
  • Unplug the Fire device from the power source
  • Wait a full 60 seconds
  • Plug the Fire device back into the power source and power it on

Step 5: Install the App

  • Press the “Home” button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • At the top scroll to the left to the magnifying glass "Find"
  • Type "pureflix" (without spaces)
  • Click on the word "pureflix"
  • Scroll down to "Apps & Games"
  • Select the Great American Pure Flix app
  • Click the cloud icon or "Download"

-OR- (newer generation Fire Devices)

  • Press the "Home" button on the remote (Looks like a house)
  • Scroll to and select "Find" on the left
  • Scroll down and select "Search"
  • Type "pureflix"
  • Locate Pure Flix under "Apps and Subscriptions"
  • Select the "Great American Pure Flix" app
  • Click the cloud icon "Download"

If you are still experiencing difficulties after completing these troubleshooting steps, you may verify your internet speeds match our requirements or contact us!

How to turn closed captions on/off
  • Play title
  • Select the white circle with the small square inside it located on the bottom right side of the control bar
  • Go to and select the word "English or "off" and the closed captions will appear or disappear

Note: Select the dark gray circle with the white "X" inside to close the side panel and return to the title.

How to use


  1. Navigate to the top left hand corner
  2. Select "Browse"
  3. Various genres will appear

My List:

  1. Navigate to the top middle
  2. Select "My List"
  3. Titles that you have added to "My List" will appear

Add to/Remove from My List:

  1. Select title
  2. Next to "Play," select either "Add to My List" or "Remove from My List"


  1. Select the 'head and shoulders' icon in the top right hand corner
  2. Here you can Sign Out, review the Terms of Sale, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Your Privacy Choices, Contact Us, and Current App Version

Sign out:

  1. Select the 'head and shoulders' icon in the top right hand corner
  2. Select "Sign Out"

Search titles:

  1. Select the magnifying glass in the top right hand corner
  2. Select the "search bar"
  3. A keyboard will appear where you can search titles
  4. Press enter once the desired title is typed


  1. Navigate to the top left hand corner
  2. Select "Home"