Great American Pure Flix Billing and Payments
If you need any information on your charges please review Great American Pure Flix payments & billing.
Managing Your Great American Pure Flix Plan
If you need to manage your Great American Pure Flix plan please review Managing Pure Flix Plan.
Unexpected Charges
If you have unexpected charges please review Unexpected Charges.
Resolving Payment Issues
If you are experiencing issues with your Payment please review Payment Issues.
Great American Pure Flix Profiles
You can stream up to 5 different devices within a single household however, at this time we do not offer profiles. We do hope to have this capability in the future.
Apple, FrndlyTV, Roku Account Management
If you signed up for Great American Pure Flix through Apple, FrndlyTV or Roku you will need to contact them directly.
Apple: please review Apple Account and Billing Information
Roku: please review Roku Account and Billing information